Sunday, February 10, 2008

What Lies Beneath

Tom and I finally watched this. I've wanted to see it since it was in the theater, but we really don't have a lot of time to devote to watching movies or doing anything else for that matter. People ask me what I'm going to do on the weekend and I tell them clean, and they think I'm joking!

Anyway, this was a really good movie. It was a thriller, but not gory - which is what I like. I am not a squeamish person, by any means, but so much gore is overdone and doesn't really add to the story. I like these movies because they keep me in suspense and because the story keeps you guessing. If I wanted to see a lot of blood and gore, I'd go work in an ER or something ;)

If you haven't seen the movie, please don't read further because I'm about to reveal the ending...


The husband (Harrison Ford) turns out to be a real prick who had an affair with a college girl, then killed her when she threatened to expose him. Then he tries to kill his wife because she has figured it all out (with some help from the ghost). In one of our usual backhanded compliments, I thanked Tom for not having an affair and for not trying to kill me. Hey, it's the important things that keep marriages together, right? But boy, I loved that lake house in Vermont. That sounds like a life goal right there! (without the cheating, homicidal husband part though)

I realize it's silly to put in spoilers for an 8 year old movie, but I have accidentally found out plots SO often and usually when the movie's been out for a year, people don't even bother to insert the spoiler space.

I feel like I have no life whatsoever talking about great 8 year old movies! I really don't. Between work, school, and kids, there's not a whole lot of time left for fun. Thankfully, Andrew is old enough to leave at home alone with the kids, so occasionally we'll go out for breakfast on the weekend (Truman's has some killer hash browns) or go for a quick dinner while the kids nosh on pizza. One of these days we'll get to do something really nice, like travel, but I figure by the time we'll be able to swing that all the kids will be in college anyway!


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