Bring on the Oscars!
I requested off tonight, thinking mostly of the fact that the kids are out of school tomorrow (again?!?!) and because I was just plum tired despite really good sleep this weekend. Thank goodness for earplugs! Apparently I slept through a major drumming session. Damn that clearance drum from Ghana at Target! (But you have to admit, it looks and sounds really cool!)
Anyway, I was awakened by a "you're on call" call about a half hour ago. Now that's REALLY early for being called off, and there's no guarantee that I won't get called in later. But for now, I'm off ;)
Since I've been working weekends, I've tended to not take as much notice about weekend happenings. So when I woke up and got online, I realized that this is Oscar night! I knew it was coming up, but not that it was tonight! YEAH!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely love the Oscars. From the dresses to the tension, to the fact that I actually got to see ONE of the films (Little Miss Sunshine). Every once in a while we ask Chloe to do that roar thing that Olive does at the end. She has no idea why we laugh so hard, but it's terribly funny. I desparately wanted to see Babel, The Queen, and The Last King of Scotland. Babel and The Queen made it to both Ragtag and the Forum, and I happened to miss it both times. Very sad. At least Babel's out on video right now. TLKOS never came here to my little corner of the midwest, and I am sad. That is the type of movie that I absolutely love. It's based in history, but not a direct biography, and it's about an era and place that I know little about. Plus, Forrest Whittaker is supposed to be incredible. I think he's underrated as an actor from the few things I've seen him in (and no, I don't place Fast Times at Ridgemont High in that category, although that film and its cultural references served as a template for some experiences in high school).
Dammit, Tom just fired up a movie. Road to Perdition better be over before the dress wars begin, or he's going to have to find another location. The Oscars are coming!