Monday, February 12, 2007

What to do, what to say

Well I haven't been very bloggety lately, not really a whole lot of interesting stuff going on. Kids have been sick for a good part of the year (fun!) and right now I'm typing away as Chris watches The Goonies for the 18th time, hacking away :(

I was going to write something really pithy about the whole Anna Nicole Smith thing, but the best thing I could come up with was that once upon a time, Anna Nicole Smith was the hottest thing to come out of Mexia since they repaved highway 84 in July, but Tom just groaned at that one, and then it turned out that she wasn't even from Mexia. Well, hell.

For those of you who aren't from Texas, I feel the need to point out that Mexia is pronounced "Muh-hey-ah". This doesn't follow the Missouri conventions of place names, which includes Versailles "Ver-sails" or Milan "MY-lin". I'm not even going to attempt Hayti, but it sounds nothing like the Carribean nation!

For some reason, this reminds me of the joke about the Texas boy who went to Sunday school. His teacher asked him where Jesus was born. First he answered "Athens". No, she said, try again. Next he answered "Carthage". Wrong again. Finally he said "Palestine". That's right the teacher said. She was so proud. "That's right, I knew it was somewhere in East Texas".


Blogger Jenn said...

you forgot the Missouri town of Nevada, of course pronounced "nuh-vA-duh" Of course we're known for that in Illinois as well, so I can't say much :)

2:22 PM  

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