Happy Anniversary, Tom!
Fourteen years ago...

OK, this pic is older than that, but I don't have any wedding pics scanned in. And no, we don't still look like that! I would lie and say that I do, but y'all can page down and see a lovely pic of my fat self sleeping. That's a current picture!
It doesn't seem like 14 years since I got married! I was looking forward to this being a great anniversary - not that 14 years is some milestone for me, but Tom saw it as such. Apparantly his dad got divorced at 13 years. Twice. So I'm wondering what that means for us (Nervous grin)? Actually we had some great plans. OK, we had a babysitter. But it's better than nothing, right?
The days leading up to the magical date were fraught with tension. Why? Because Tom was being a butt. And this is actually different from his personality, thank goodness. Of course, it's been a while, so I wasn't seeing the reason that he was being such a butt. Until I called up the morning of our anniversary (I worked the night before) to tell him happy anniversary. And he sounded miserable. Of course! He was sick! That turns ALL men into butts!!! And Chloe was sick, too. So there went our date :( Which was fine, because the house was a wreck and he wouldn't be much company. So we've postponed the date of wonderment indefinitely.
I wound up staying on night schedule yesterday (meaning I slept all day) so I stayed up last night cleaning and watching TV. Finally saw Wedding Crashers, which was a little ironic I guess, and it was pretty good. Tom's uberconservative Grandmother had actually gone to see this and walked out of the theater. Yep, I know exactly when she did, too. Why would a 70-80 something uberconservative woman decide to watch THIS movie in particular? Did she not see the ads? How could you NOT know that this would be so offensive? Oh well. It was good for a laugh :)