I haven't been online much lately, with the end of the semester, projects and tests, work ramping up, and going to visit both Texas and Alabama. I'll post some updates about those areas, but I just had to log on to mention a wonderful conversation.
I'm a little over halfway through my doctoral program at my second school (due to a move). I loved my first school and hated to leave.
For my first two semesters here, I had an incredible professor. She is one of those people who is just so intelligent that you hope you can keep up in a conversation with her. She is someone I respect immensely, and I felt respected in turn by her.
I ran into her at the grocery store. We discussed lots of things, but she was really interested in my experience at school, and was sad to hear about my recent issues with a class. I told her that my experience in her class was so wonderful and that a few of us were having issues with the latest (new) class.
I have so few opportunities for in-person positive reinforcement. Everything has become so negative at work, at school, and at home. She said a lot of very positive things to me that I will just hold on to. I used to feel like I was somewhat successful and I used to feel that I did a good job as well. Hopefully with a few changes I am incorporating min my life, I can experience some success again.
So thanks, JoAnne. You have been such an inspiration to me and I will miss you. But you will always remain such a huge role model for me.